10 April, 2011

DAY OF REFLECTION - Sat 14th May 2011

The Grass Grows By Itself

Sitting Still, doing nothing.
Spring Comes
The Grass Grows by itself    ( Zen Poem)

Signposts for the Journey 

This is the 3rd   of our 3 annual Days of Reflection that are designed to provide participants with the opportunity to 'sit by the wayside' and reflect on their contemplative journey.   Our main input will be 2  talks ( on DVD) by Sr Ishpriya from her Contemplative  Prayer Retreat . This is a series of 8 Talks that are designed to guide retreatants on a week long retreat

This day is designed to provide us with the opportunity to practice Silence and Breath Awareness and to listen to Ishpriya and to drink from the deep pools of her wisdom

Talk 1:  Teaching a rock to talk  -

In this talk, Ishpriya's focus is on the value of deep inner listening .

Talk 2 :- The Need for Silence and its many layers -

In this Talk Ishpriya looks at the part Silence plays in  assisting us to Access the Mystery

Venue :     Friends Meeting House : Wolverhampton 
( see Website front page for a map )

Time :       10.30 to 4.30 on Saturday 14th May

Bring a packed lunch